Saturday, January 30, 2010


Himalayan salt lamps are naturally formed powerful tools that can be used for relaxation and meditation with glowing hues of red, orange and amber Himalayan salt lamps are amazing, made from centuries old raw materials formed into lamps or candle holders can create a warm feeling in any room or office. That’s all well and good but how do salt lamps work?” Himalayan salt lamps affect different people in different ways; however the overwhelming response is that these salt rock lamps are helping people find peace. The color is naturally soothing as is a camp fire or a nice sunset and let’s not forget about the negative ions that are generated by the lamps as well.
When the earth was still in the beginning stages of formation, massive pressures and colliding continents caused the Himalayan Mountains to form. Actually the ocean that existed at that time was forced inside what is now called the Himalayan Mountains. These vast Mineral salt deposits developed beneath the surface, and the mountainous pressure and mineral content created a perfect environment for these crystals to evolve. Himalayan salt lamps are not actually created by the mountains but by hand, without the use of nasty chemicals and other unnatural materials. Hand crafted natural products are what we suggest to any home and the energy they create is amazing but there is more to learn.
What are your salt lamps used? They are great to help one ad natural component to a home or office. In Fact the color spectrum is known to have a positive effect on the human body. First and foremost, Salt lamps work in much the same way as the fresh ocean air works. The salt evaporation negatively changes oxygen molecules and helps to create a protective of cloud of relaxation. One needs to be able to tap into that energy and want do feel the difference. There are always those that don’t get the higher realms of thought or feeling but we do not worry about them as they will eventually get the opportunity to awaken or not. The places where one can place a lamp is almost endless and if one is thinking about a gift it is one that will last forever.
For decades Americans have been seeking relief from what ails them. Now with salt lamps you have a possible gift for some relief. The salt lamps act much like the salt caves do in Europe and other salt museums where people go below ground and stay overnight in the salt mines and have reported some profound relief regarding salt caves.
One might also ask how many salt lamps one needs; well we suggest strongly that one consider several as one for the bedroom, office and living area is a great to start!
Himalayan Water and Salt (Garam Bukit Tulin)The human body is composed of water and salt. Natural Himalayan crystal salt contains all of the natural minerals and trace elements that make up the human body. Though vitamins and proteins are not found in water or salt, the elements that make up their complicated molecular chains are present in water and salt. In fact, water, salt and light are energy forms that construct highly geometrically structured chain links that are – biochemically – identical to vitamins and proteins. This is why sole, a mixture of water and salt, is such an important life-builder and worth incorporating into your daily life. One might consider sole as the equivalent of ‘liquid sunlight’ and obviously it relates to the ancient oceans from where we all came.
Water and salt have different crystalline structures. 250 million years ago, light energy evaporated the primal oceans and created salt, which is essentially energy. When water is added the structure of salt changes and can easily penetrate the body’s cells allowing the potential of this energy to be released.
The atomic structure of salt is actually electrical which makes it so transformable. Salt does not need to be broken down into sugars or acids, it always remains salt. Salt allows information to travel between our cells and produces our actions and thoughts. A lack of salt is critical, similar to a modern-day power outage. At the same time crystal salt helps us remain balanced and in harmony with ourselves and surroundings.
Basic table salt is only sodium chloride. It has been chemically stripped of all of the other elements and has no positive benefit. Many of us are accustomed to adding salt to ‘flavor’ our food. But the real importance of salt is its vibration pattern, and again, this is only found in crystal salt. Seek it out next time you want to purchase salt and avoid buying basic grocery store white table salt.
Historic Importance Throughout time, people have known about and valued the importance of salt. Many European cities are named after salt and the word ‘salary’ actually means payment by salt. The Celtic word for salt is ‘Hall’ and many towns and cities known for their salt deposits have the word ‘hall’ in their name.

Himalayan Crystal Solay or Sole'
Sole or Solay the Himalayan Salt Elixir. A great natural way to help your body increase its own immune functions while providing essential nutrients.
Himalayan salt provides a non toxic way to add nutrients and minerals to your body. Our salt is made or harvested by hand and is without pollutants.
Sole (so-lay), our crystal salt mixed with water is the called the elixir of life. The eroupeans use the word sole came from the word sol, which means the sun. So the brine solution is the fluid state of the sun or light energy. The theory is the salt being natural and the sun being a fine source of vitamin D combines to make a powerful drink we now call so lay.
“Combine your mental and physical balance and one will achieve wellbeing”. This salt mixture system causes the molecules to be hydrolyzed. This brine solution creates an immediate and yet lasting vibration in the body. The natural energy pattern will help restore your natural functions and remove stubborn toxins.
To create your own sole, loosely fill a glass with several Himalayan crystal salts or several tablespoons of Himalayan Salt grains. Fill the glass with your favorite mountain spring water. Check if the crystals have been dissolved completely. If the crystals were dissolved, add some more crystal. The salt will stop dissolving when the mixture is correct in other words the salt finds its own balance and you will to. Now take one tablespoon of this mixture and ad to eight ounces of water every morning. You mind and body will thank you.
Welcome to age old wisdom and the combining of natural health.
More Himalayan(Garam Bukit Tulin) Salt Lamps and More information coming soon.

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